Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A new beginning...

...for the blog anyway. It seems the first one wasn't too successful...

But the event last Saturday definitely was. It came together by nothing less than the grace of God, and I think most everyone would agree that it was an intimate time with the Lord and with each other.

So now there are a few things on the drawing board. First, and most importantly, is the day-to-day working out of our faith in and relationship with God, and through that, our relationships and community with each other. We all know it's more than an event or a meeting. Now it's time to put that into action. Make a point to go out of your way to serve someone. Say something uplifting to someone, even if you could get away with not saying it. Take an old friend to lunch, preferably someone you haven't talked to in a while. Ask the Lord to show you His love in a new way. Love has to be intentional, both toward God and toward others.

Secondly, we have another event coming up on April 9th, which is Palm Sunday. You may be wondering why we keep saying it's more than an event, and then keep organizing events. Well, we believe that organized, intentional meetings and events do serve a real purpose. For people who are a part of the community of God, these gatherings are an opportunity to seek and honor the Lord as a community, as a body, as one voice. It will also serve to bring people into the community who are not already a part of it, and to share the vision of God for this community to those who have not yet gotten on board. Yes, it is more than an event. But we believe in the power of God to use an event, or a series of events, to start a movement, driven by the revelation of God's love through the Holy Spirit working in His children and causing them to love one another. That is our desire, our goal, and our motivation.

So. This forum can be a really useful tool to us as we plan this event and as we explore the ideas of community that the Lord is showing to us. Let's start with some practical stuff. Take a minute and post some of your thoughts on the event this past Saturday. What aspects/elements of the event did you find useful in seeking the Lord? What was your reaction to the layout of the room itself? Do you think the space was used effectively? Were the scripture readings and prayers helpful in connecting with God? Was the music helpful? The dances? What, if anything, would you change/tweak/alter about these things? Was there anything not included in the event that you would add? Did the songs, dances, readings, and prayers transition well, or did it seem choppy/fragmented? What other thoughts do you have?

Those are just a few example questions so you know what we are looking for here. Those aren't the only things we need to evaluate, and you don't have to answer every question of course.

It's really exciting to see what God is doing. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this, and seeing where the Lord takes us.


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